Monday, March 3, 2008

On a side note, need something to do while waiting for offers or referrals

I have 2 recommendations.

First head over to anything4free.comIt's a forum where people trade referrals, hang out, and discuss what offers are best and what freebie site offers. There are also forums where you can get help from individual sites.

Need extra money there is a forum for referrals for asking people to sign up under them payout is usually 50%-60%. So most of the time you are looking at $20-$30 for Trainn sites. Other referral sites will have payouts into the $100s for going green. Remember going green is what happens after you sign up for an offer, are approved for the offer, and your referral goes through on your end.

Also if you are feeling the boredom, go wander over to

To see how to mod an original xbox.

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